The Euro Stars Gymnastics 2024 Summer Extravaganza RECREATIONAL Showcase is scheduled for Saturday June 15TH.

Deadline for leo is April 20th!
Join us for the Summer Extravaganza! Please note the class registration through May and June is required for participation to ensure that they can learn the performance routines.
Each gymnast will receive:
- the opportunity to show off their skills to family!
- medal with photo opportunities
- Two tickets come with your registration. Additional tickets available for $10 beginning May 15.
To register, please fill out the form below and make payment at the desk.
Please note that your registration is only complete when the form is filled out AND payment is made. Payment is cash or check only.
The cost is $30 and is non-refundable. Leotard and tshirt can be purchased and must be pre-paid.
Gymnasts will be registered based by April 20, 2024 to guarantee a leotard. Students must be enrolled in May and through June 15 to participate, since there will be routines to learn (Beginner and above, Preschool classes will not have to memorize anything).